Covid-19 in Bangladesh: Death toll nears 200 again as 195 more die

Covid-19 in Bangladesh: Death toll nears 200 again as 195 more die

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 Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Jul-24,

Although the country saw well below 200 fatalities for three consecutive days until Friday, it came close to the grim landmark again as 195 people died of Covid-19 in 24 hours until Saturday morning.

Bangladesh recorded 6,780 new infections during the period after testing 20,827 samples.

With Covid's Delta variant spreading fast, the country's fatalities had been hovering at nearly 200 for the last two weeks. It reported the highest daily Covid-19 fatality number – 231 – on July 19 and 13,768 infections on the 12th of the month.

There have been 1,153,344 infections and 19,046 coronavirus deaths here since the pandemic started, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).

Meanwhile, the daily test positivity rate increased to 32.55 %  from Saturday’s 31.05% , when the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a 5% or below rate.

The death rate stood at 1.65%  from 1.64% while the recovery rate rose to 85.62%.