Highway traffic amid Eid rush better than ever, says Minister Obaidul Quader

Citizentimes Online Desk
Highway traffic amid Eid rush better than ever, says Minister Obaidul Quader

The traffic situation on the country’s highways ahead of the Eid-ul-Fitr is better this year than any time, says Road Transport Minister Obaidul Quader.

His remarks came on Friday while speaking to media during a visit to the Gabtali Bus Terminal in Dhaka. “I believe there will be no problem in Gazipur this year as we have opened three flyovers to traffic,” said Quader.

The minister said that they have “overcome the crisis” on the highway to northern region. “A major problem was Nalka area, but with the newly-built bridge there opened to traffic, we hope that there will be no gridlock.”

He, however, blamed reckless driving for traffic snarls at some spots. “Drivers tend to switch to the opposite lanes, whenever they see a bit of tailback. These leads to gridlocks. The authorities have been instructed to curb this. Traffic situation on highways is better than any time.” Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has instructed to take all possible measures to manage the traffic during the rush of homebound people, added the road transport minister.