UK-based ex-pats recognized as Freedom Fighters

UK-based ex-pats recognized as Freedom Fighters

Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Jul-20,

The Ministry of Liberation War Affairs has recognized 12 expatriates based in the UK at the time as Freedom Fighters for their contributions in shaping world opinion during the Bangladesh War of Independence.

As per a gazette notification, some of the inductees are -- Sultan Mahmud Sharif, President of the United Kingdom Awami League, former Chief Justice ABM Khairul Haque, former Justice AHM Shamsuddin Chowdhury Manik, former Director-General of National Museum Enamul Haque, former Minister (late) Zakaria Chowdhury, former Ambassador Raziul Hasan, and former junior Foreign Minister Abul Hasan Chowdhury.

“Those who had worked for the liberation of Bangladesh while in exile will be able to apply for their inclusion as Freedom Fighters till next September,” Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque told the Media.