Policeman 'killed' in Dhaka road accident

Policeman 'killed' in Dhaka road accident

Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, July-11,

 A 30-year-old policeman was reportedly killed in a motorcycle accident in Dhaka's Science Laboratory area Saturday night.

Police constable M Latifur Rahman was from Kurigram's Chilmari and would live in the capital's Jatrabari with his wife and child.

"Latifur was found lying on the street in Science Laboratory at 10:30 pm. We are suspecting that he was hit by a speeding car while riding his motorcycle," Md Bachchu Miah, in charge of the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) police outpost, told the media.

"The constable was rushed to DMCH's emergency unit where he was declared dead at 11 pm. Latifur's body has been kept at the hospital's morgue; inquiries are on."