No more game in election’s name to be allowed: Fakhrul

No more game in election’s name to be allowed: Fakhrul

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Oct-03,

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said their party together with people will no longer allow any game to take place in the country in the name of a national election.

"You (govt) have constituted a subservient election commission that follows your orders. You’re planning to hold such an election where voters won’t go to polling stations, but you will cast the votes through the EVMs. People won’t allow such an election anymore,” he said.

Speaking at a discussion programme, the BNP leader also said their party definitely wants a genuine election to get the responsibility of running the state with the love of the people. "But I would like to say it clearly that the people of this country will no longer allow any game to take place in the name of an election,”

Jatiyatabadi Ulema Dal arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club, marking its 42nd founding anniversary.

Fakhrul said Bangladesh was liberated with a dream of establishing democracy and a free society, but Awami League has established a ‘one-party rule’ by obliterating democracy. “There’s now no democracy, election, accountability and law and order in the country. We didn’t want such a country.”

He said 11/12 companies, including Evaly, took way hundreds of crores of taka from people in the name of e-commerce, but the government could not take any step in advance to check such fraudulence.

The BNP leader said the incidents of killing, rape, repression of women and children have marked an unusual rise in the country due to a slide in the law and order situation.

He said Awami League has become the ‘biggest enemy’ of people by resorting to repressive acts, enforced disappearance and extrajudicial killings.

Mentioning 95 percent of people in Bangladesh believe in Islam, Fakhrul alleged that the government is ‘attacking’ Islam repeatedly by harassing alem ulema by branding them as militants.  “The government is trying to get the sympathy and support of the western countries by using the militancy tag.”

He said the government is even trying to control religious gatherings like waz mahfil and regulate Islamic scholars who preach Islam. “In fact, no religion is safe in the hands of Awami League as this party doesn’t believe in any religion.”

The BNP leader urged the Uleam Dal to strengthen its organisantional capacity to play a role in a movement for removing the current government from power. “The entire nation is now looking at BNP and its associate bodies to lead a movement for establishing a pro-people government ousting the current one. We must be ready for that movement. It’s now our responsibility is to strengthen the organisation.”

He said Awmi League wants to hang onto power unlawfully by suppressing the opposition leaders and activists with repressive acts and false cases.

“They usurped power stuffing ballots the night before the voting day using the state machinery. So, our responsibility is to oust the regime as the country’s independence and sovereignty and people’s lives and assets are not safe in its hands.
