Quader sought cooperation BNP, others in forming neutral EC

Quader sought cooperation BNP, others in forming neutral EC

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Oct-06,

Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today sought cooperation of all political parties, including BNP, and others concerned in forming a neutral Election Commission (EC).

"We're seeking cooperation from all concerned, including BNP, in forming a neutral EC, not for a neutral government," he told a press conference at his official residence here.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said all things related to elections are under the jurisdiction of the EC, while the commission is all in all in holding elections.

During elections, he said, the government performs its routine works only and it provides all-out support to the EC in holding elections in a free, fair and neutral manner.

Responding to the allegations of BNP, the AL general secretary said the country's people are giving their mandates to the Awami League time and again to keep them safe from the BNP's misrules.

Mentioning that the people of the country are in a comfortable position during the reign of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government, he said the people are not so confused that they would fall into the trap of BNP's reckless politics.

Quader said the people turned away their faces from the BNP long ago and it was proved very clearly in the recent by-polls and local government elections.
