Barishal incident exhibits AL’s criminalisation: BNP

Barishal incident exhibits AL’s criminalisation: BNP

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Aug-24,

BNP on Tuesday said the recent attack on the residence of Barishal Sadar Upazila (UNO) has exposed the trivial part of Awami League’s criminalisation across the country.

“The people, no matter which profession they belong to, aren’t safe during this Awami League rule. The Barisal incident is just a small example of Awami League’s criminalisation in the entire country,” said party organising secretary Syed Emran Saleh Prince.

Speaking at a press conference at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he also said the last general election was held the night before the voting date on December 30, 2018 with the administration loyal to Awami League. “But now they’re in conflict with each other.”

The BNP leader urged the administration to work neutrally and bring the offenders who belong to Awami League to justice.

He alleged that the ruling party leaders are playing the ‘broken’ record of ‘falsehood' against BNP by involving its top leaders with different incidents only to appease Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. “Their (AL leaders’) agenda is to spit venom and spread lies against BNP.”

Prince criticised ruling party general secretary Obaidul Quader for his comment that BNP has been carrying on the legacy of the politics of killing, saying the politics of killing in Bangladesh initiated through the murders of Siraj Sikdar, many freedom fighters and opposition activists by Awami League and Rakkhi Bahini after the liberation of the country.

He also alleged that Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud has been making ‘false and fabricated’ comments involving Zia with Bangabandhu murder and Khaleda Zia with the August-21 grenade attack incident. “He’s very good at lying.”

Prince voiced concern that Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal leaders Saiful Mahmud Jewel, Sirajul Islam Siraj and Mostafizur Rahman Rumi remained missing since they were picked up by police from the city's Jatrabari area on Monday night.
