Dentist stabbed to death by miscreants in Dhaka

Citizentimes Online Desk
Dentist stabbed to death by miscreants in Dhaka

Bulbul Hosen

A dentist was stabbed to death by some miscreants at Shewrapara metro rail station area in the capital early Sunday. The deceased was identified as Bulbul Hosen, 34.    

Confirming the matter to Jago News, ASM Mahatab Uddin, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Mirpur Division), said Bulbul came out of his home to go to Noakhali around 5:30am.

Md Mostajirur Rahman, Officer-in-charge of Mirpur Model Police Station, said police recovered the dentist and sent him to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital where he died due to excessive bleeding.  “We are looking into the matter,” the OC said.