People’s confidence in EC now at 'zero' level: GM Quader

People’s confidence in EC now at 'zero' level: GM Quader

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Oct-03,

Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader on Sunday said people's confidence in the Election Commission (EC) has now reached the zero level.

“Those who were in state power used the Election Commission for their party’s interests. Political parties are now finding it difficult to survive as depoliticisation is going on in the country,” he said.

Speaking at a programme at Jatiya Party Chairman’s Banani office, GM Quader also said people will show no interest in politics and they will refrain from going to polling stations to cast their votes if the depoliticisation continues.

“There’ll prevail a handful of parties and leaders in the country as per the government’s direction, but those parties and leaders won’t have any spontaneous organisation and public support if it (depoliticisation) continues,” he observed.

GM Quader, also the deputy leader of opposition in parliament, said the current governing system can be called a democratic one in any way as a dictatorship has been established in the country ‘constitutionally’.

According to the constitution, he said, about 90 percent of the country's executive, legislature and judiciary branches are in the hands of one person through the President.

At the programme, Palli Bidyut Samity’s former senior general manager Wahidul Islam Tarun joined Jatiya Party presenting a bouquet to GM Quader.

GM Quader said those who came to power after 1991 have not been able to materialise the dreams they had shown to the people of the country. “In most cases, the situation has deteriorated and the level of deterioration has gradually increased.”

He said people now want to see Jatiya Party in power again to fulfill their hopes and aspirations. “That’s why every day prominent people are joining Jatiya Party.”
