Man killed over trivial matter in Sylhet

Man killed over trivial matter in Sylhet

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Sylhet Correspondent: Dhaka, Sept-06,

 A man was killed over a trivial matter in Kanaighat upazila of Sylhet.

The deceased was identified as Alkas Uddin, 55.

According to witnesses, Hasan, son of the deceased went fishing on a neighbouring pond Sunday afternoon and was confronted by two persons named Nayeem Uddin and Rezaul Haque.

Sensing trouble, Alkas stepped in and scolded his son  for fishing without permission.

However, Nayeem and Rezaul unprovocably attacked Aklas with handmade weapons and sharp objects, leaving him dead on the spot.

The locals also added that the attackers are influential people of the area.

When contacted, officer-in charge OC (investigation)  Zahidul Haque confirmed the death to the media.

“Upon receiving the news, we reached the spot, recovered the body and took it to a medical facility for autopsy,” he said.

“A case is being filed over the incident and we are vigilant to arrest the attackers as soon as possible,” he added.
