Former MP M A Awal was remand for two-day remand xtortion case

Former MP M A Awal was remand for two-day remand xtortion case

A Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Court on Wednesday granted a two-day remand to MA Awal, a former MP from Laxmipur-1 constituency and chairman of the Islamic Democratic Party, in an extortion case filed with Pallabi police station in Dhaka.

Dhaka Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Hasibul Haque granted the remand after a hearing.


Sub-inspector Mohammad Selim, general registration officer of Pallabi police station, confirmed the matter to New Age.

He said that in May, retired major Mostafa Kamal filed the case against Awal on charges of extorting Tk 20 lakh.

MA Awal is the alleged mastermind behind the killing of Pallabi youth Shahin Uddin, 33, as Awal hired murderers and instructed them to commit the crime, said Detective Branch senior officials adding that Tk 20,000 was paid in advance to four assailants who later stabbed the youth to death.


The police had recently arrested Islamic Democratic Party chairman, Haveli Property Development Ltd owner and former member of parliament for Lakshmipur-1 constituency MA Awal and three others over their alleged involvement in the murder of Shahin in front of his seven-year-old son on broad daylight at a garage of Pallabi D-block on May 16.