New admissions without emergency, surgeries stopped in CMCH

New admissions without emergency, surgeries stopped in CMCH

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Chattogram Bureau: Dhaka July-12,

The Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) authorities have decided to limit the admission of patients other than the most urgent and to suspend the routine surgery without emergency surgery for the time being.

The decision was taken in an office order signed by Chittagong Medical College Hospital Director Brigadier General SM Humayun Kabir.

The office order said routine surgeries would be suspended for the time being, except for emergency surgeries. Only emergency patients will be admitted. Among the already admitted patients, those who are not urgent will be given clearance for receiving treatment at home with the necessary arrangements for the time being. All health officials, nurses, and other health workers must wear masks while performing their duties.

Deputy Dr. of Chittagong Medical College Hospital- Aftabul Islam said the number of patients in the hospital is increasing every day due to the increase in coronary infections. Despite the increase in the number of patients, the existing doctors, nurses, and health workers of the hospital have to provide services to these patients. As the number of corona patients is increasing, it has been decided to limit the admission of non-emergency patients. In addition to emergency surgery, routine surgery will also be suspended for the time being.