Momen urges EU’s effective support for Rohingya repatriation

Momen urges EU’s effective support for Rohingya repatriation

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News Desk: Dhaka, Sept-25,

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has urged the European Union (EU) to take effective measures for creation of conducive environment in Myanmar for sustainable repatriation of the Rohingyas sheltered in Bangladesh.

He made the urge while holding a bilateral meeting with High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the

European Commission (HRVP) Josep Borrell on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Thursday, a foreign ministry press release said here today.

During the meeting Dr Momen said that sheltering 1.1 million Rohingyas in Bangladesh have been putting enormous social, economic and environmental cost for Bangladesh.

Borell thanked Bangladesh for the humanitarian gesture to the Rohingyas, and assured that EU would work with Bangladesh and the international community to ensure sustainable repatriation of the Rohingyas.

The foreign minister also briefed the HRVP about the role of Bangladesh

as the President of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF).

He raised the issue of the 100 billion dollars annual climate fund pledged by the developed countries, and requested the EU to fulfil the commitment.

Dr. Momen stressed on the importance of allocation of 50 per cent of the climate financing for adaptation measures.

He explained the importance of loss and damage incurred because of river erosion, intrusion of salinity, sea level rise, floods and draughts.

The Foreign Minister emphasised on the need for sharing of responsibility for the

climate migrants – the people uprooted from their homes and

traditional jobs because of impacts of climate change.

Dr. Momen also explained the need for  creating high and wide embankments in the coastal belt, and in the areas prone to river erosion.

He invited public funding and private sector investment from the EU in developing the embankments, with roads, solar panels and windmills on those.

Borell said that significant efforts would be needed to contain the temperature rise to the maximum limit of 1.5 degree Celsius.

The Bangladesh Foreign Minister agreed with the HRVP, and sought technology transfer for coping with the mitigation targets.

Dr. Momen raised the trade issue between Bangladesh and Europe and thanked the EU for providing duty-free market access to Bangladeshi products under the EBA scheme.

He also expressed gratitude for continued market access for Bangladesh to the EU till 2029 and requested for providing GSP+ facilities once the EBA scheme

will be over in 2029.

The HRVP assured the Bangladesh foreign minister that he would convey the request with positive recommendation to the concerned authorities of the EU.
