15,520 hectares of croplands inundated in Kurigram

15,520 hectares of croplands inundated in Kurigram

Photo Collected:

Kurigram Correspondent: Dhaka, Aug-30,

About 15,520 hectares of cropland have gone underwater in Kurigram district till Monday morning as the water level in the rivers has started rising again.

The water level in Dharla river has increased by 10 cm and in Brahmaputra river by 5 cm in the last 24 hours.

Kurigram Water Development Board Executive Engineer Md Ariful Islam said water level in the Dharla River has risen to 34 cm above the danger level and 23 cm in the Brahmaputra river’s Chilmari Point on Monday morning. However, increased water has reduced erosion.

The low-lying areas and sandbars of the district have gone under water.

Till Monday, 15,520 hectares of crops have been submerged in the district. Of these, Aman is planted 15,115 hectares, vegetables are 270 hectares and seedbed is 95 hectares.

Meanwhile, BM Abul Hossain, chairman of Hatia Union in Ulipur upazila of Kurigram, said more than 400 houses in Hatia union were inundated with flood water causing cattle-food crisis.

In addition, water has entered the houses, causing difficulties in normal movement.

Manjurul Haque, deputy director of the district Agricultural Extension Department, said the flood waters have inundated the low-lying areas, which may have damaged the Aman crop and vegetables planted by farmers.
