- 2021-09-07 04:49:50
- LAST MODIFIED: 2025-03-04 03:36:41
7 Villages flooded as embankment collapses in Feni

Photo Collected:
Feni Correspondent:
Dhaka, Sept-07,
Seven villages in Fulgazi upazila of Feni district have got submerged as the flood control embankment along the Muhuri River collapsed due to the onrush of water, destroying crops and dwellings.
The river was flowing
140 cm above its danger level, cutting off road communications with Parshuram
Sources at the upazila
administration and Water Development Board (WDB) said the embankment at Jaipur
point in Fulgazi Sadar Union got damaged due to the deluge of water from across
the border.
They said the floods
sent Fulgazi Sadar Union, West Ghaniamora, East Ghaniamora and Kismat
Ghaniamoa, Jaipur, North Daulatpur, South Dinajpur and Bairagpur areas under
water, damaging houses and huge crops.
Fulgazi Union Parishad
(UP) chairman Nurul Islam said the floodwater poured into the villages through
the damaged parts of the embankment at Jaipur part in Sadar Union.
Abdur Rahim, a resident
of East Ghania Mora village, said, “Our homestead has been flooded. We’ve lost
all of our crops.”
Zahir Uddin, executive
engineer of WDB Feni office, said the water in the Muhuri River was flowing 140
cm above the danger level. “The river will swell further if the water from the
upstream continues to pour in,” he said.
Locals said they have
been hit by floods thrice this monsoon -- on July 1, August 26 and last on
September 5. The repeated damages of the embankment are flooding the areas
leaving them in dire straits.
Cyclones, heavy monsoon
rains and floods are common in Bangladesh, a delta nation crisscrossed by 230