BJC greets Hasan mahmud for implementing ad-free foreign TV channels broadcasting

BJC greets Hasan mahmud for implementing ad-free foreign TV channels broadcasting

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Oct-05,

The leaders of Broadcast Journalists Center (BJC), a platform of the country's broadcast journalists, today greeted Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud for taking steps for implementing ad-free (clean feed) foreign TV channels broadcasting.

They greeted the minister while exchanging views at the meeting room of his ministry at the Secretariat here.

State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr Murad Hasan was present at the meeting.

Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary, extended thanks to the BJC leaders for their stance, saying, "We are implementing the act for the interest of the country, mass media, journalists, artists and other performers who are linked with the media. The law exists across the globe."

He said such types of acts have been executed in all neighboring countries. "But, on various excuses, a vested quarter didn't let us enforce the act in the country. I want to extend my thanks to all. Many people's statuses in social media are in favour of the decision," he added.

The minister said every journalist and television owner stood in favor of the decision. Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists, Dhaka Union of Journalists and even, the president of FBCCI gave a statement in favour of the decision, he added.

He said some people tried to spread confusion capitalizing on the issue, but there is no scope of spreading confusion on this issue, he added. He said Bangladesh Television (BTV) is broadcasted in India and Doordarshan is broadcasted in Bangladesh.

"Once, a programme titled 'Ithadi' was aired on BTV with advertisement.

Then, they stopped broadcasting of BTV in India and issued a notice to us," he added.

The minister said, "Different groups raised voice against the act when it was being implemented in Nepal...they (channel authorities) are now sending the clean feed to Nepal."

Hasan said, "There was a group for advocacy in our country. The government is determined to implement the act. And actions would be taken if anyone tries to spread confusion. You all know that there are some channels that come through clean feed. But, none ran the channels in the beginning. But, later, many started to run those channels. We are giving time today.

The mobile court will be conducted from tomorrow."

About Mass Media Employees Act and OTT (Over the Top) platform policy, the minister said his ministry is working to pass the act soon and make a policy for the OTT platform.

Murad, in his speech, termed the step of implementing clean feed broadcasting as a groundbreaking step.

BJC president Rezwanul Haque Raja extended gratitude to the minister for taking steps for implementing clean feed broadcasting. "We are with the government. We will organize a roundtable meeting on this issue," he said.
