- 2021-09-25 08:53:14
- LAST MODIFIED: 2025-03-04 03:34:29
Chattogram Journalists Welfare Association observed Founding Anniversary

Photo: Bureau Office Chattogram
Chattogram Bureau: Dhaka, Sept-25,
3rd founding anniversary of Chattogram Journalists Welfare Associationwas held on Friday, 24thSeptember’21in the evening at a local Community Centre of the city in Chattogram. Former Minister of Information and Communication Barrister Nazmul Huda was present as the Chief Guest. Chairman of Election Monitoring Forum and Secretary General of SAARC Human Rights Foundation Maulana Abed Ali was as the Chief Negotiator.As
Special Guestwere Former Secretary of Information Commission
and Deputy Commissioner Mohammad MahibulHossain and
Prominent social worker
SM Aziz.
The programme was
presided over by Chattogram Journalists Welfare Association’s President KM Rubel,Welcome address given by
General Secretary Manzur Ahmed Sohel,
Salutation speech were
given by Senior Co-President A.B
ZiauddinHossain,Vice President Md. Hossain,M. A. Sabur, Md. Aziz Kiran,
NurAbsharKauser, Social Welfare Secretary-Mohammad NesarAhmed,Md. Yasin, Md.
Gafur,Md. Ashraf, Md. Selim,Md. AbulKalam, Isa Mahmud etc.
After speech session , Chief GuestBarrister Nazmul Huda distributed honorary commemorative crest with certificate to them who contributes their merits ,skill etc for the developmentin different perspective of the society.
The programme was
end after captivating cultural