Dengue: 24 hrs 197 patients hospitalized in Country: DGHS

Dengue: 24 hrs 197 patients hospitalized in Country: DGHS

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Oct-05,

A total of 197 fresh dengue cases were reported across the country in the last 24 hours.

Of them, 151 were admitted to different hospitals in Dhaka and 46 outside the capital, a release of the Health Crisis Management and Control Room of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said here today.

A total of 901 dengue patients are undergoing treatment at different hospitals and clinics across the country.

Among them, 731 patients are taking treatment in Dhaka division and 170 are hospitalized outside the capital, the release added.

A total of 19,133 patients have been admitted to different hospitals across the country since January this year. Of them, 18,159 have returned home after recovery, the DGHS said.

The Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) has confirmed 73 deaths due to dengue fever till now, the DGHS added.
