Govt must take responsibility of disappeared people’s families: Fakhrul

Govt must take responsibility of disappeared people’s families: Fakhrul

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Aug-30,

 BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Monday said the government must take the responsibility of the families of those who were ‘subjected to enforced disappearance’.

“Who will take the responsibility for the helplessness of these families? There’re many people who have not been found for 9-10 years. Over 500 of our leaders and workers, including Ilias Ali and Chowdhury Alam, remained missing for many years,” he told a human-chain programme.

The BNP leader said the children of the victims of the enforced disappearance still wait for the return of their fathers.

“You’ve heard the cries of the children of the victims. You (govt) say these (disappearances) do not happen here. If so, where did they go?  It’s your responsibility to trace them and give them back to their families one by one. You must do it. Otherwise, you’ll be tried in people's court.”

BNP’s human rights cell arranged the programme in front of the Jatiya Press Club, marking the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.

The family members of many victims of the enforced disappearances joined the programme holding the photos of their missing near and dear ones.

Speaking at the programmers, the aggrieved family members appealed to the government for taking effective steps to find out the whereabouts of their fathers and sons and brothers.

Fakhrul bemoaned that Bangladesh has now become such a country where children go missing, but no one find their whereabouts.

“Law enforcers pick them up, but the government doesn’t give any answer to it. We can't hold back our tears seeing the pain and agony and the helplessness of the relatives of the victims,” he said.

Expressing solidarity with the distressed family members, the BNP leader called upon the government to return the missing people to their parents, children, wives and brothers and sisters.

Fakhrul urged the people of all walks of life to be vocal to stop the culture of enforced disappearance and get rid of such a crime against humanity.

He alleged that the current government is “destroying” the entire nation just to hang onto power “illegally”. "It has destroyed our constitution, our democratic rights and economy, and politicised the entire administration.”

Fakhrul called upon people to get united to install a democratic and pro-people administration by politically defeating Awami League government.  “Let’s work together and launch a movement to remove the monstrous regime.”

