No more game in name of election: Fakhrul

No more game in name of election: Fakhrul

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Oct-02,

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday warned that their party will not accept the upcoming national elections unless it is held under a" neutral government ".

"Our stance is very clear that there would be no more game in the name of an election. The election must be held under a neutral government conducted by a neutral election commission, ” he said.

Speaking at a discussion, the BNP leader also said, “We won’t accept any election if there is no polls-time neutral government and an election commission."

BNP arranged the programme at the Institution of Engineers’, Bangladesh, marking what the party said the holding of the last national election under the caretaker government in Bangladesh on 'October 1, 2001,

Stating that the days of the current government are numbered, Fakhrul urged Awami League to try to read public minds and understand the writings on the wall. “It means quit power after making the provision of the polls-time caretaker government and let people exercise their right to vote. ”

He called upon BNP leader and activists to be organised and get ready for a street movement instead of creating chaos for having part posts. 

“This is the only way for us. It won’t be possible to remove the current monstrous regime without a mass movement and mass uprising. So, we have to unite all our people, unite all the political forces to take place a mass uprising,” the BNP leader said pointing at party rank and file.

He said Awami League has become politically bankrupt losing public support for its ‘misdeeds’ and repressive acts. “They (AL) know that they won’t even get 30 seats if any election is held in a free and fair manner. That’s why they have politicised all the state institutions.”

Fakhrul also alleged the government has established its control on the judiciary, administration, law enforcement agencies, and the media. “So. the entire nation is not able to speak up and exercise their freedom of expression.”

"We, the common people, the citizens of the republic, will one day become king. The day I can vote. But this government has taken away that right to vote. Now no one can go to vote. This right to vote, this right to speak, we did not get it by chance. We have had to fight for a long time, we have had to fight, we have had to win a bloody war to make our country independent. ”

He said, "Today the Awami League is trying again and they will come to power again by holding such an election." People will not be able to vote in that election. They have introduced EVMs. This device is a great tool for how to steal votes, how to declare the Awami League elected without getting votes. ”

"Mr. Huda, the chief election commissioner, has destroyed the electoral system. A few days ago, he visited Russia and saw the electoral system. The same situation in Russia. In the same way, whoever is in the government is either the president or the prime minister. Which is no different from Bangladesh. Seeing that, he has learned how to steal votes during the day. This conspiracy, this conspiracy, this horrible attempt to deprive the people of Bangladesh of their right to vote - we have to resist it. ”

The BNP general secretary also remarked that the government has suppressed the right of the people to speak by enacting various 'terrible' laws including the Digital Security Act and the Social Media Control Act.

The discussion meeting was held at the auditorium of Ramna Engineers Institution in the capital on the initiative of the BNP titled 'October 1, 2001: The latest election under a non-partisan neutral government'.

According to the Twelfth Amendment, Khaleda Zia formed the government after the BNP won a majority of seats in the October 1, 2001 elections under the last caretaker government led by Justice Latifur Rahman.

Mirza Abbas, a member of the standing committee, said, "Obaidul Quader said those who talk about a caretaker government are unconstitutional." This government has ended this constitution. They talk at length again. They (the government) say that according to the constitution, there is no chance for the caretaker government to return. Its straightforward language is that there is no chance for the Awami League to move away from power. That Awami League will not remain in power forever. ”

"With this police, with this administration, with these different institutions, by suppressing the BNP, by suppressing the countrymen, they will stay in power. They have forgotten a history that no dictatorship has survived in the world and the dictatorship has been forced to go. All we have to say now is that there is no election under this government. ”

Demanding that the BNP should be allowed to hold rallies, he said, "Don't give us a place in the press club, don't give us a place on the sidewalk. Don't let us have meetings. It won't. A voice in the face of all the people - Awami League is probably gone, BNP is probably coming. Inshallah Awami Legue will go, BNP will come Inshallah. ”

"We have to bring down the Awami League anyway. This enemy must be destroyed. If they exist, it is our freedomhere will be no, we will not have sovereignty, there will be no democracy in this country, the people of this country will not have freedom of speech. ”

BNP AZM Zahid Hossain, Aman Ullah Aman, Abdus Salam, Saiful Alam Nirab of Juba Dal, Abdul Qadir Bhuiyan of Swechchhasebak Dal, Helen Jerin Khan of Mahila Dal and Fazlur of Chhatra Dal presided over the discussion. Rahman Khokon delivered the keynote address.

Economist Professor Mahbub Ullah, Political Science Professor Dilara Chowdhury and Professor Abdul Latif Masum of the Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University addressed the discussion.

BNP Vice Chairman Abdul Awal Mintu, Central Leader Sirajuddin Ahmed, Khairul Kabir Khokon, Fazlul Haque Milon, Shirin Sultana, Azizul Bari Helal, Halima Newaz Arli, Rehana Akhter Ranu, Shammi Akhter, Anindra Islam Amit, Aminul Haque, , Sultan Salahuddin Tuku, Mortazul Karim Badru, Rafiqul Alam Majnu, SM Jahangir, Yasin Ali, Arifa Sultana Ruma, Shairul Kabir Khan and thousands of other leaders were present.
