Those aged 12-17 to be vaccinated after WHO’s approval: Minister

Those aged 12-17 to be vaccinated after WHO’s approval: Minister

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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka, Sept-06,

Those who are aged between 12 and 17 will be brought under the coverage of vaccination against Covid-19 once it is approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), said Health Minister Zahid Maleque on Monday.

“We’ve applied to WHO seeking its approval in this regard. The approval of the National Technical Advisory Committee is also needed. Once approved, we’ll start vaccinating those who are aged 12-17,” said the minister while talking to reporters after a meeting at the secretariat.

The government has a plan to vaccinate children with Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

The minister also said 2.5 crore more vaccine doses -- 2 crore of Sinopharm and 50,000 of Pfizer -- will reach the country this month.

About hospitals, Zahid said there are 17,000 beds at Covid-dedicated hospitals and 12,000-14,000 are currently vacant.

Now these hospital beds will be used for the treatment of other patients, he added.
