Will make up whatever students missed out on during closure: Dipu Moni

Will make up whatever students missed out on during closure: Dipu Moni

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Chandpur Correspondent: Dhaka, Sept-05,

Remedial lessons will be provided to students who have missed out on online classes and other alternative educational activities during the time educational institutions were closed  due to covid restrictions.

Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni said this while talking to the press in Chandpur Saturday.

“We opted for online and television lessons during school closure. Besides, we have relied on assignments for evaluation during this time,” she said.

Then the minister conceded the fact that some students could not be brought under these programmes due to the socioeconomic status quo, and revealed that her ministry is formulating a specific plan to make up for this once the institutions reopen.

“Although we managed to reach a huge portion of students through assignments, some still missed out. We are working on a plan to bring all students up to speed with the current curriculum and plan on providing remedial lessons to those who missed out,” she said.

Earlier on Saturday, Deputy Minister for Education Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel said that the Ministry of Education is planning to take classes one day a week after the reopening of schools and colleges on September 12.

Nowfel said this while talking to journalists after attending a function at Chattogram Medical College and Hospital.

"We're hopeful of starting physical classes following the Education Minister's announcement and our primary plan is to take classes one day a week but it may be changed," he said. 

Efforts will continue to take the SSC and HSC exams in-person with a brief syllabus, but the assignments will continue as before, he said. 

The long closure of schools and colleges due to the Covid-19 pandemic has created mental pressure on the students and there had been efforts to continue education online but that was not enough, Nowfel added.

